Funny Dog Joke
Teacher: “Sam, what is the outside of a tree called?” Sam: “I don’t know.” Teacher: “Bark, Sam, bark.” Sam: “Bow, wow, wow!”
Laboratory Monkeys Joke
What do you call a trash bag full of mutilated laboratory monkeys? Rhesus Pieces.
Why did the python cross the road? joke
why did the python cross the road? to eat the chicken. Why did the python cross the road? joke Submitted by the chicken
Parking A Dog Joke
I pulled into a crowded parking lot and rolled down the car windows to make sure my Labrador retriever had fresh air. She was stretched out on the back seat, and I wanted to impress upon her that she must remain there. I walked to the curb backward, pointing my finger at the car and […]
Dog Barking Joke
Your dog’s barking at the back door. Your spouse’s barking at the front. Who do you let in? Well, it’s your call, but the dog’ll stop barking when you let him in.
Name That Animal Joke
Eddie’s first-grade class was having a game of Name That Animal. The teacher held up a picture of a cat and asked, “What animal is this?” “A cat!” said Suzy. “Good job! Now, what’s this animal?” “A dog!” said Ricky. “Good! Now what animal is this?” she asked, holding up a picture of a deer. […]
Funny Dog Jokes
Q: What do you get if you cross a dog and a cheetah? A: A dog that chases cars – and catches them! Q: What happens when it rains cats and dogs? A: You can step in a poodle! Q: What sort of clothes does a pet dog wear? A: A petticoat! Q: What do […]