Yo Mama’s so dumb i told her Christmas was around the corner, and she went lookin’.
Yo Mama’s so dumb I told her she lost her mind, and she started looking for it.
Yo Mama’s so dumb she got locked in a toilet and pissed herself.
Yo mama’s so dumb, she stuck the phone up her ass and thought she was makin’ a booty call.
Yo Mama’s so dumb she stole a free sample.
Yo Mama’s so dumb she thought fruit punch was a gay boxer.
Yo Mama’s so dumb she waited all day at a stop sign.
Yo Mama’s so dumb that she tripped over a cordless phone.
Yo Mama’s so dumb when she went to a football game she thought the quarter back was a refund!
Your Mama’s so dumb that she got smacked by a statue.
Your Mama’s so dumb, she tried to commit suicide off a sidewalk.
Your momma’s so dumb I caught her staring at a piece of paper. She sait it was Pay-Per View
Your momma’s so dumb it took her an hour to make minute rice
Your momma’s so dumb she got hit by a parked car
Your momma’s so dumb she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death
Your momma’s so dumb she heard someone say it was chilli outside so she ran and grabbed a bowl
Your momma’s so dumb she stayed up all night studying for her blood test
Your momma’s so dumb she thought a telephone was a phone for the T.V
Your momma’s so dumb she thought the computer screen saver was TV
Your momma’s so dumb she tried to kill herself by jumping out of the basement window
Your momma’s so dumb that when she jumped out of a window she went up
Your momma’s so dumb the computer said press any key to continue and she was looking for the any key
Your momma’s so dumb when your dad suggested doggy style she went out the back and started to lick her balls